martes, 27 de mayo de 2008

invention in the ancient rome

Most of the roman inventions that are credited to that society actually came from the etruscans, without taking this knoledge from the etruscans, romans began to create their own inventions.

One the most important inventions are the concret. With this invention the Romas empire contribute to the contruction of hundreds of roads, bridges, aqueducts, baths,. theatres and arenas (coliseum).

Some of these contructions are bassed of an impressive technology, many of the romans innovation were addopted from the greek designs and help us, by the way to have basses for our contructions.

In conlusion we can say that the roman inventions still affect our way to live and as a society, because as we say, we use the basses of that ideas to de development of our inventions and the way to make our lives better.

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