miércoles, 28 de mayo de 2008

Family structure in Rome

In Roman Times, the familial structure was based on the leadership and responsibility of the head of a man called “pater familia” . Society was based mostly on a class system, one where there were the wealthy and then there were the impoverished, usually unemployed or underemployed. In this brief description and comparison, a resemblance to modern times will be displayed in both the family and in society in Colombia, showing obvious ties to the Roman tradition. A family was considered to be a whole group of people. There was the slaves and servants, and there were the immediate family members and close relatives that all lived together. The father of the family,' or the pater familias, was usually the oldest male in the household, and officially and legally had all the responsibilities for the family, including but not limited to buying and selling slaves, arranging marriages, and determining work duties.
Even though this was the mon , women often had control over many of the family issues, and despite Roman law limiting the powers of women, the families were often set up and the rules not necessarily enforced to allow women to own property and supervise the affairs of family commerce. The development of the Roman Empire brought new wealth, and classes developed of merchants, contractors, bankers, and various other occupations. In most cases, this new' class rivaled the old wealth for prominence. On the other hand, there were many urban poor in Rome and other Roman cities. This new urban poor class rioted often, many were recruited into military servitude, and it caused a new problem for the leadership of the empire who really had no precedence in dealing with them. Imperial authority used what was called "bread and circuses," subsidizing food and giving them entertainment to keep them happy. Today, we see much of the same thing in both family and society. Even though modern Western Civilization does not have the laws giving only males authority in family positions, we still live in a male dominated society. Families still seem to have a head of household' mentality, even though often times the women/mothers have most of the actual familial duties and garners considerable influence. There is still a class system, even governmental tax laws establish lower, medium, and upper incomes. The "Upper Class" or the higher income families have power, while the "Lower Class" or low income families are more dependant upon assistance by the government and charitable organizations, if only because upper class can usually afford to spend more. Our government still has welfare, paying for food, just like the Romans paid for grain for their urban poor. This shows the ties and similarities in brief between Roman family and society and modern, westernized family and society. Since much of our culture, religion, and legal ideology are derived from the Roman Empire, it is simple to see why it is this way today.[1]
From this test and looking the way that the family was structure in the ancient Rome we can say that the control of the family was in the head of the father, this man has the faculty of organized the family life the way he wanted, for example he could sold his kids to other families, or he has the capacity of adopting kids form other families, or it used to exist a civil figure in which the father could adopt the entire family of other “pater familia”, this figure was called “adrogation”, a consist in a type of business in which one father that didn’t has kids adopt other father, but this adoption also includes his family, this was in order to preserve the traditions and the second name of the first father.
If we talk about roman family it is also very important to talk about the way they organized the names structure, the names of Roman citizens are quite simple to remember. The majority of the Roman citizens didn't have many or beautiful names, only the noblest and richest families have the pleasure of having a lot of names or, they were the only ones that could elect their names. To begin, most male citizens had two names, a family name (nomen gentile) and a personal name or first name (nomen personale). Thus, the majority of Roman males were called f.e. Gaius Marius: Gaius is the first name, Marius is the family name. For Romans family names were very important because was a tool to identify the social classes an the importance of the person at the society. the Roman name system is basically quite simple, it gets more complicated in its structure with the development of Rome into a more complicated society, where family and political power go hand in hand.
[1] http://www.helium.com/items/118196-roman-times-familial-structure.

Roman heroes and heroines

Acca Larentia in Roman mythology, she was the wife of Faustulus who helped to care for the abandoned brothers Romulus and Remus Aeneas hero of both the Iliad and Virgil's eponymous Aeneid; son of Venus and Anchises Ascanius the son of Aeneas; he is credited with founding the city of Alba Longa in Italy Camilla a native of Italy, she fought in the war against the Trojan Aeneas Cloelia this Roman girl was held hostage by the Etruscans; she escaped, and her bravery so impressed her captors that they began friendly relations with Rome Dido Carthaginian Queen who was involved in an ill-fated affair with Aeneas in Virgil's Aeneid Faustulus shepherd who found and raised (with his wife Acca Larentia) the twins Romulus and Remus Hercules the Romans borrowed this hero from the Greeks (Herakles), and Latinized his name into the familiar Hercules Hersilia this heroine was the wife of Romulus, and she was also taken prisoner during the notorious abduction of the Sabine women Horatii a trio of brothers who engaged in a famous and legendary duel on behalf of Rome Latinus king ruling in Italy (Latium) until the coming of Aeneas; Virgil makes him the son of the god Faunus and the nymph Marcia Lavinia daughter of Latinus and Amata; she appears in Virgil's Aeneid.

Mezentius this Etruscan king fought against Aeneas - according to the Aeneid, he was eventually killed by the Roman hero Numa Pompilius according to legend, he was the second king of Rome (reigning after Romulus) Numitor Numitor was a king of Alba Longa and the father of the heroine Rhea Silvia Remus Remus was the brother of Romulus; raised by the shepherd Faustulus and his wife Acca Larentia Rhea Silvia a Vestal Virgin until she was deflowered by the god Mars, Rhea Silvia bore Mars the twins Romulus and Remus Romulus according to legend, Romulus founded the city of Rome; he was the brother of Remus Silvius the son of Aeneas and Lavinia Tanaquil an Etruscan woman of noble lineage who played a part in Roman mythology Tarpeia she betrayed Rome during the conflict with the Sabines - but in the end, she was punished for her treachery Turnus a native Italian prince who opposed Aeneas; ultimately he was defeated by the Trojan hero.
As we can see the majority of heroes that we find in the Roman Empire are unknown, this is because talking about this aspect the emperors didn’t liked that the society talked about people different than them, for the emperors the society have to remember not the travels and adventures of heroes invented by them, people have to talked about the conquers, and the travels that they do.
If we analyzed this heroes the only one that maybe we know is Hercules, an this is because Rome conquer Greece, and one of the talents and amazing costumes that this civilization used to have is that, when they conquer other civilization they don’t finish with his culture, what Rome used to do, is that they absorbed the culture to themselves, a this is the reason why they have Hercules like a hero.
point of view

One famous history of Rome history and also about Rome heroes is the one of Romulo and Remo, the legend say that this two brothers founded the city of Rome, the story say that long long time ago exist a female wolf and that from inside of this animal, two persons come out, this persons created a small city in the sevens mountains of what in this moment is Italy. These two brothers are not heroes in all the sense of the word, but they are the equivalent of what in the catholic religion is denominate as Adam and Eva.
If we want a talk about heroes in Rome, we can talk about real people that really made heroic things, this is the case of Julio Cesar that was capable of organizing the time, an the result of this is our actual calendar, are we can also talk about Justinian, that make an excellent recompilation of all the laws that were created in the history of Rome, an he put all this in a simple code that is practicable the same that we used no in our civil laws.

martes, 27 de mayo de 2008

invention in the ancient rome

Most of the roman inventions that are credited to that society actually came from the etruscans, without taking this knoledge from the etruscans, romans began to create their own inventions.

One the most important inventions are the concret. With this invention the Romas empire contribute to the contruction of hundreds of roads, bridges, aqueducts, baths,. theatres and arenas (coliseum).

Some of these contructions are bassed of an impressive technology, many of the romans innovation were addopted from the greek designs and help us, by the way to have basses for our contructions.

In conlusion we can say that the roman inventions still affect our way to live and as a society, because as we say, we use the basses of that ideas to de development of our inventions and the way to make our lives better.

miércoles, 21 de mayo de 2008

games, entretaiment and rituals of the ancient rome

In the ancient rome gived sort of priority to the games, activities and riuals that developed it to mantein the entretaiment of the people, becouse that was a way of the cesar to mantein the power in the society.

first of all, the roman empire had several forms of play and exercise, such a jumping, wrestling, boxing and racing. Romans also had diferent kind of ball playing such us the handball. women did not participate in these games, because it was concidered a men`s activity, however they made part of the dance group and poetry readings.

a popular form of entretaiment in the rome empire was the gladietorial combats, these battles consist in fought until the death, with a variety of weapons and different scenarios those of one scenarios was the coliseum. one of the rituals of the ancient rome was started in 390 B.C and it based on sacrifies of dozrens of dogs in a ceremony in the capitoline.

to conclude we say that the games and rituals that ancient rome had, it was so violent, because the people found funny the suffer of other people.